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Our Product Details

Warning: Some of our ingredients are processed in a facility that also process, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts & soy. 

Our natural tea, herbs and flowers blends are 100% organic and chemical free. We strive in getting the best quality ingredients with low environmental impact. 

That is why we have searched for ways to decrease our environmental impact in our packaging, shipments and sourced product vendors. Our black mailer bags can be composted, including the thermal labels & tape that are on the package. Everything else in our packages except for our cellophane bags that our product comes in and the large teabag are recyclable as well. We are working on finding suppliers near us for these products so bare with us!

Each tea bag can be reused depending on how long your steeps are but our tea blends are typically for a one time used however, it can be used up to two times. You can also choose to split our blends up into two portions, however in doing so skin benefits may take longer to appear. 

Where our ingredients are sourced from:

Lavender - Albania 
Chamomile - Croatia/Egypt
Calendula - Egypt/Albania
Orange Rind - USA
Oats (Gluten free <10ppm tested) - Canada/USA
Rosemary - Egypt/Turkey/Morocco 
Oolong - China
Red Rose Petals - India
Pink Rose Buds - Morocco
Hibiscus - India/Egypt
Coconut Milk - Sri Lanka/Philippines 
Ginger - India/China
Jasmine - China
Peppermint - USA/Egypt
Lemongrass - Honduras/Tanzania/Egypt/India 

Each tea blend bundle comes with 6 naturally scented tea lights, citrus slices and coconut milk powder.

Your purchase will also come with access to our 4 Spotify playlists. Just scan the QR code on our instruction card and you are in. If you would like to view the other playlists just simply click on our name in Spotify. Keep in mind that you do need a Spotify account to access our playlists. 

We are actively working on new and relaxing blends just for you so you'll never get bored!

If you have any questions, or concerns about our packaging or ingredients please do not hesitate to contact us.